6 Habits of Highly Successful Online Students
Online education has grown tremendously because of the pandemic, and it doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. With the rise of digital education, plenty of students are wondering how to find success in online learning environments. Following these six habits of highly successful online students will help you maintain your motivation and ultimately do your best, no matter what class you’re taking.
Maintain a Proper Schedule
When you take your classes online, it is crucial to stay on top of your workload. Falling behind your schedule can create problems when dealing with tests and final papers.
Students who establish a regular study schedule develop habits that make their schoolwork easier to complete. Ensure you block out a set amount of study time for each class and use this time as effectively as possible.
Here are a few tips for planning your study schedule:
• Review the syllabus immediately after you receive it. Make sure you understand the deadlines for major assignments and tests, and mark these on your calendar.
• Prioritize tasks by the due date.
• Plan around your other commitments. Try to spread out your study sessions and other obligations throughout the week so that you don’t have to work on more than one big assignment on any given day. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
• Above all, do not wait until the last minute to complete your work.
Keep Up With Each Class
There’s value in attending a few real-time classes, if your instructor offers these. Even if you’re learning independently, virtual classroom sessions allow you to interact directly with your professor and other students, ask questions, and talk through problems. In addition, attending real-time classes ensures that you won’t miss out on any important announcements.
Use virtual classroom sessions to pose questions or articulate your thoughts to help retain more information. Show up prepared, having completed any assigned reading, so that you can make the most of the limited time.
Ask For Help When You Need It
Ask your teacher for help if you encounter any issues. Teachers are there to help you succeed, and if you’re struggling through a problem, they’re the first person you should be asking for help.
Remember, everyone has challenges while learning something new; teachers are there to help everyone learn together.
You might also connect with other students or form study groups both online and offline. This is a great way to bounce ideas off each other and get feedback. You might share insights from lectures and projects or have some fun by doing a friendly competition.
Develop a Love of Reading and Writing
Reading and writing have a positive influence on every area of your life. Studies show that reading and writing skills can improve your career, educational, and social success, no matter what you’re studying or what job you aspire to. The ability to read and write empowers you to communicate effectively, too.
The following tips can help you develop good reading and writing habits:
• Find some time to read every day for at least 15 minutes.
• Read outside of your comfort zone once in a while. For example, read nonfiction instead of fiction.
• Gather answers to the 5 W’s and 1 H (who, what, when, where, why, and how) before you start writing on any topic. These questions can help you follow logical reasoning in your writing.
• Create an outline for your topic to organize your thoughts. This structure will help you write faster with more clarity and fewer errors and ensure that you hit all the points you wish to make.
• Reward yourself when you meet your reading and writing goals for the week.
Use Mnemonic Strategies To Learn Better
Mnemonics are memory devices you can use to learn new information better. Human beings have difficulty remembering lots of random data, and this is where mnemonics come into play. Make learning new things more manageable by taking advantage of any of these memory devices.
Use Acronyms
Using an acronym is a simple, yet effective way to remember new concepts. Teachers widely use this method. One basic example you probably learned in early childhood is “Roy G. Biv” (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) for the order of colors in a rainbow.
This famous memory device works by organizing related information into more easily remembered groups. For example, by grouping numbers into four-digit chunks, it’s much easier to remember 4789 5328 4631 than 478953284631.
The Peg Method
A peg system is a learning tool that uses the power of association to cement new pieces of information in your mind. It visualizes concepts by linking them to strong memories, making it easier to recall the new information.
For example, a simple way to remember a shopping list is to associate each item with a finger on your hand. So, the first finger on your left hand can be used to represent bread, and so on.
Maintain Self-Discipline and Motivation
Remember that it’s not always easy to take an online class; it takes a certain amount of self-discipline, and there will be times when you feel like giving up. It is important to fight through these moments and push yourself further towards your goals.
Maintaining self-discipline means being accountable for all of your actions. If you promise to complete specific tasks by certain dates, follow through on them regardless of how difficult they may seem at first.
You may even find that practicing self-discipline helps with other parts of your life, too! Being a disciplined student also plays a significant role in being successful.
Ultimately, an online class is similar to a traditional class in that it requires dedication and hard work to succeed. Focus on your educational goals, and results will follow.